TSA Talks Bridal Tips with MNDY Photography


If you're in the midst of planning your wedding, I'm sure you can totally relate - no one truly understands until they start planning one, but weddings are a minefield. So many ins and outs, decisions to be made, tricks of the trade, things people think you just should know even if you don’t and the pressure to get it all completely perfect for your one special day! (Exhausted just reading this?)

I won’t kid you, weddings can be challenging, costly and all consuming, and as your wedding day looms closer, you will get to a point where you just have to whittle that shortlist down to one and make some serious decisions.

Once those big decisions are all made, you are free to enjoy engaged life with your fiancé and get ridiculously excited about your wedding day, because it will absolutely be, one of the most amazing days you will ever have.

Here’s some tips and tricks from the best in the biz to make a sometimes super stressful time, that little bit more manageable. In this post we cover two critical items to kick start the rest of the planning - the venue and the celebrant.

Read the full article at: http://www.mndyphotography.com/single-post/2017/06/18/TIPS-THE-ULTIMATE-WEDDING-EXPERIENCE-GUIDE-PART-2